How to Plant a Black Currant Shrub

Choosing an Ideal Site for Black Currants

Blackcurrant shrubs are best planted in a moisture-rich (but not drenched) soil, with a pH ranging from 6.5 to 7.5

For the best fruit yield, it is recommended to plant the shrubs in a place with plenty of sun, even though a little shade won’t be a problem. Before planting, make sure to dig about a spade’s deep, and add plenty of compost. If compost is not available, add a long-lasting fertilizer such as bonemeal (a handful per square meter); then, let the site rest for a couple of months

Planting a blackcurrant shrub

The best period to plant a shrub is around mid-November, but it is possible to plant it until the beginning or March. Shrubs should be spaced around 1.8 meters from each other, and should be planted 5cm deeper than they were in the pot (this is because stems are produced just below ground level). Fill around the roots with soil and firm it down with your feet, taking care not to damage the roots

After planting, you want to encourage a fast and steady growth above ground level. To do this, it’s important to trim ever shoot to within two buds above ground. The plant will only be around 5cm high if this is performed correctly.

Growing the shrub

To encourage a strong growth, it is important to keep the soil fairly moist, especially in dry seasons. Prevent competition for moisture by removing the weeds, using garden compost or wood fabric. Spread a handful of bonemeal per plant in spring, which provides useful minerals

The shrub should not be pruned in the first winter. In the subsequent years, prune the shrub by removing all the damaged stems, and trim about one-fifth of the central part of the plant

Propagating Black Currant Shrubs

One of the simplest ways to propagate blackcurrants is using hardwood cuttings. This method is very effective and has a high chance of success! The best time to cut is around november, when the foliage starts turning brown

The cutting should be 25cm (10 inches) long, and the cut shold be performed right under a bud, using a healthy, ripened stem (avoind using green or diseased stems). Your goal, when planting the cutting, is to leave 3-4 buds below ground level, and at least 2 above.

Dig a hole about 15cm (6 inches) deep, plant the cutting, then add back the removed soil with a handful of bonemeal. Water the soil well, using well-rotted compost as mulch